THE SYDNEY dog trainer THE SYDNEY DOG TRAINER THE DOG BEHAVIOUR EXPERT! 5 Good Reasons! Professional dog behaviourist/dog trainer based in Sydney, accredited in dog behaviour and dog training ! Nationally Accredited Dog Trainer NDTF CIII Dog BEHAVIOUR and Training
[masterslider id=”2″] HOME DOG TRAINING SPECIALISTS! Hi I’m the Sydney Dog Trainer, Sydney’s premier home dog training specialist. As the name suggests I specialise in home dog training visits teaching both owner and dog proven and
Puppy Preschool or One on One Puppy Training
Are you time poor? Do you have a large family? Does the thought of dragging yourself, partner, one-two children (or more) and one excited puppy down the road for the next four to six weeks appeal to you? and on
My dog doesn’t chase a tennis ball or fetch!
Every now and then I have clients express a need or desire for their dog to fetch a ball. Here are some tips Step 1. Choose the right breed. Working dogs, high energy dogs such as collies, shepherds and yes
Dog parks, the good, the bad, the ugly!
Ask most professional dog trainers what they think of dog parks and they will usually tell you that they are “bad news”. Why is it so you may ask? It probably has something to do with trainers getting calls about
So your dog pulls….get inspired to make a change
The images below show both men and women in control of an animal much larger and much heavier than them. So what gives? One word CONDITIONING. These animals have been conditioned (have learned) FROM A YOUNG AGE to follow the
The American Staffy – The Dog of Steel
“hi im looking for some at home training for my two dogs …XXXX who is english staffy x .. and XXXXX an amstaff…both are desexed but thwey both have isssues..they are both desexed… XXXXX is a really bad jumper and
Why choose us?
The easiest way to explain how I am different and why me… is to tell you of a recent account of a client of mine. This is not my first case by any means, nor will it be my last.
Why not send my dog away to be trained?
This trains your dog but it doesn’t train YOU, plus it does not address the behavioural issues that are unique to your dog in his environment. We believe that you need to train your dog. Your dog quickly learns in the