dog training airds
The Sydney
Dog Trainer
5 Good Reasons!
- Local and trusted dog trainer based in Sydney, for all your home dog training needs!
- Nationally Accredited Dog Trainer CIII Dog Behaviour and Training
- OVER 12 years dog training experience!
- EXPERT puppy trainer!
- PROVEN track record in helping 100’s of families with their dogs!

“Sydney’s Home Dog Training Specialist! If your after a qualified dog trainer/dog behaviourist to come to your home to help you out with some dog training, whether it be your dog’s behavioural issue or an accelerated puppy training session at a super competitive price, then look no further than The Sydney Dog Trainer!

dog trainer airds

What is Home Dog Training?
Home dog training is where a dog trainer, sometimes referred to as a home dog trainer will travel to your home and help you with your dog's behavioural issue or conduct private dog obedience or puppy training session. Depending on the dog trainer, the session duration can range from 1 to 3 hrs. Home dog training visits are generally designed to be one off.
During a behavioural home dog training visit which is sometimes called an in home dog consultation, the home dog trainer will assess your dog's behaviour and then seek to remedy it.
NINETY-NINE PERCENT of behavioural issues are fixed or greatly improved by The Sydney Dog Trainer. One of the most important aspects of any home dog training visit is for The Sydney Dog Trainer to ensure you have a proper grasp of the behavioural modification techniques used during the visit. So if your after a dog trainer near me then The Sydney Dog Trainer is the dog trainer for you.
Finally.... AT LONG LAST, in home private puppy training's biggest obstacle (that it doesn't allow for socialisation) has been REMOVED! The advent of early finish vaccines (up to 10 weeks) now enables the OWNER to SAFELY socialise their puppy outside of the home in the real world at their own convenience which is FAR BETTER than doing it within the limited confines of a puppy school.
This now makes private puppy training a GENUINE, REAL, SAFE alternative to puppy school. Private puppy training is fun, informative and tailored to YOUR family and YOUR home environment with an added 12 months phone support to get you through your first year!
So when someone tells you that "You need to go to puppy school to socialise your dog." You can let them know that it is no longer the case and that you can safely do it yourself.

Dog Behaviourist or Dog Trainer?
I'll let you in on a little secret. When you are googling for a dog behaviourist in Australia your search results may return dog behaviourist but in reality you will be getting a dog trainer. Why? Because there simply is no nationally recognised "dog behaviourist" titled courses in Australia to date.
There are dog trainer certification courses in which you will learn how to train dogs and treat dog behavioural issues, just as there are vet behaviourist courses...but on the other side of the completed course you'll be a Dog Trainer, Companion Animal Trainer or Vet Behaviourist....not "dog behaviourist" by strict definition.
So in Australia a dog behaviourist is generally....
A) An accredited dog trainer specialising in dog behavioural issues
B) A non accredited dog trainer specialising in dog behavioural issues
So who or what is The Sydney Dog Trainer? The TSDT is a nationally accredited dog trainer with a CIII in Dog Behaviour & Training who specialises in dog behavioural issues AKA a dog behaviourist. I also specialise in one on one in home puppy training consultations.

Dog Trainers Certificate

An Unregulated Indusrty?
You wouldn't go to an unqualified doctor to get medical help, would you? Yet hundreds, if not thousands of Australians every year unwittingly get unqualified, kindle, YouTube, crash course, in experienced dog trainers to help them with their beloved fur friends. Don't get me wrong these dog trainers are not doing anything wrong or illegal because the dog training industry is unregulated but this doesn't really help your cause as I am sure you rather a qualified and experienced dog trainer more than one who is not.
When choosing a dog trainer your first and foremost question should be are they a nationally accredited dog trainer...if not then move on to the next website! Be careful of vague answers such as I am qualified. You need to hear the words nationally accredited! Why? Because those words are your GUARANTEE that you are getting a professional help from a dog trainer that has completed a PROFESSIONAL dog training course by a GOVERNMENT approved provider.
There is one STAND OUT professional dog trainer certification course in Australia and that is The National Dog Trainers Federation CIII in Dog Behaviour and Training.
The National Dog Trainers Federation website states
"The National Dog Trainers Federation (NDTF) is Australia’s only government-approved provider for professional canine trainers. We offer a nationally recognised Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training."

How Much Is Home Dog Training?
Home Dog Training prices can vary greatly between between dog training businesses. People who have bought into a dog training franchise obviously have to pay that 50k plus back before they start getting a return on their investment on top of the franchisor cut on every job, so they will be at the higher end when it comes to pricing as they do not have a lot to play around with. They also do not have flexibility when it comes to pricing because the franchisor will dictate the pricing.
Sole traders or small businesses are generally more affordable. They do have costs but in general not to the degree of a franchisee so their pricing tends to be more competitive.
Generally a visit from a Professional Dog Trainer with the proper qualifications and experience will be similar in price as to what you would pay an electrician or plumber to come and do a couple of hours work on your house.
If you've found a "mow your lawn price" for a dog trainer to come and do a home dog training visit than your most probably putting your dog in to the hands of an unqualified and in experienced trainer. By the same token you could be doing just the same at the higher end of the pricing scale.
The only way you can be SURE you are getting what you are paying for is to make sure your dog trainer is A NATIONALLY ACCREDITED DOG TRAINER!
good dogs go to good places
Let’s face it. If your dog is out of control then he is pretty limited in the places he can go. Socialising your dog properly at a young age, learning to be calm and relaxed around other dogs(NOT SEEING THEM AS PLAY THINGS) coupled with good obedience training will allow you to have a dog to truly enjoy going to some really great places.
Home dog training services
The Sydney Dog Trainer provides professional home dog training services for behavioural, pupppy and obedience dog training all in the comfort of you own home or local surrounds.
Behavioural Dog Training
Puppy Training
Obedience Training