In home dog behavioural training is for dogs with behavioural issues such as problem barking, jumping up, pulling on lead, visitor excitement, reactivity issues, biting/mouthing etc. The Sydney Dog Trainer is a NATIONALLY ACCREDITED dog trainer who will come to your home to help you with your dog. You'll be pleased to know that most dog behavioural issues are resolved or vastly improved in just one visit! The environment in which your dog is trained plays an important part in resolving your dog's behavioural issues. So if your dog’s undesirable behaviour takes place out of the home it is recommended that the training occurs in that place. If it occurs at home then the training will take place there.
Mark Hickey TSDT
Rosanna and family celebrating and praising their dog for no longer going reacting at the door bell!
Common Behavioural Issues
Below is a list of behaviours that we can help you with. If a behaviour/issue isn't listed and you would like to know if we can help just email/phone/text and we'll let you know!
Mark Hickey TSDT
Seeing is believing. This is a before and after video of one of my in home dog training visits. The first half of the video was taken by the client to show me the dog barking. The second part of the video .22s was taken after doing serveral training drills with Charlie teaching him not to bark at the door bell. The dog is Charlie and his problem was barking and it was at the high end of the scale. Charlie would literally bark at every noise he would hear, especially the door bell. Charlie lives in an apartment and his owners needed to get his nuisance barking undercontrol before any complaints were made. I have been in contact with Charlies Mum and Dad and they are still very happy with their new dog!